
Midhgardhur: The Fantasy World of Colin Anders Brodd

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Camp NaNoWriMo Day 12 - Back In Black

Hello everyone,

     Well, as AC/DC says, I'm back in black! That's funnier if you know me personally and know that my wardrobe pretty much consists entirely of black clothing . . . but also makes the point that music is a powerful source of mood and inspiration for me. When I am writing Midhgardhur material, I often seek inspiration or even just ambiance in music. Tonight's music is MANOWAR - If there were an official soundtrack to my Midhgardhur stories, it would be the music of MANOWAR! In particular, tonight's soundtrack is Battle Hymns and Sign of the Hammer! If you don't know this band, you should check them out! They are not for everyone, but if you're one of the people for whom they make their music, you'll probably fall in love with their stuff (although the albums to which I am listening right now are their earliest work, and not necessarily their best work). Anyway . . .

     So I took the weekend off from writing to attend a new Arizona gaming convention called Crit Hit. Crit Hit 2016 was a lot of fun! I ran three different Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG zero-level funnels, and it was awesome! When I returned from the convention, I was a little burned out, I did not get right back to summer camp work right away (shame on me!). So today I had to buckle down and get back to it! I am hacking away at my word count goal (I'm currently at 8606 words out of my goal of 10,500 words, so I'm getting close - only 1900-odd words left to go to my minimum goal!). Today I added a bunch of stuff I wasn't sure would make it to the story, including mention of Halfdanur's parents (their story is complicated, and I wasn't sure I wanted to get into it - for the most part I didn't, I just mention them in passing. I just finished reading a novel that deals with the historical Halfdanur's parents - you can check out Song of the Valkyrie by Steven M. Rogers if you are interested!). I also figured out a way of working in an episode that seemed a bit too silly to work in my story in its original version, so that felt good. Anyway, I'm now fully back in the writing groove . . . back in black!

Happy Reading! Skál!
~ Colin Anders Brodd

P.S. The image above is an illustration of the murder of Gudhrodhur the Hunter, father of Halfdanur the Black, by a man with a spear. This episode was mentioned in my writing today, so I thought it would make an interesting illustration for this post!

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