
Midhgardhur: The Fantasy World of Colin Anders Brodd

Thursday, September 10, 2020

FREE Giveaway on Tales From Midhgardhur, Volume III (today through 9/14/20)


Hey everyone! Just a quick reminder that you can get Tales From Midhgardhur, Volume III on Kindle absolutely FREE from Amazon from now through 9/14/20! Volumes I & II are also available for just $2.99 each! 

Happy Reading! Skál!
~ Colin Anders Brodd

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Kindle Book Giveaway 9/10/20 - 9/14/20 - Tales From Midhgardhur, Volume III!


Good news, everyone! Some of you know that September 10th is my birthday, so for my birthday this year, I decided to give YOU a birthday present! From September 10th, 2020 to September 14th, 2020, the third volume of my short stories, Tales From Midhgardhur, Volume III, will be FREE on Kindle from Amazon. You can get volumes I & II on Kindle for just $2.99 each if you don't already have them, but volume III will be absolutely FREE! 

Happy Birthday! 

Happy Reading! Skál!
~ Colin Anders Brodd